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Janice T. Thompson posted a symbolic gesture
Friday, September 10, 2021

To the family of Lisa Noble,
Please accept our sincere condolences. There are no words, but God's words (the holy scriptures) that can bring peace and clarity to what you are experiencing right now. Through his son, Jesus, the Christ, he offers healing, forgiveness, direction, and clarity needed to face the days ahead without Lisa. She has finished her race. As she would often say ... "I'm not worried, because God's got me; and He loves me even if nobody else does."
Eric and I have many fond memories of Lisa as she visited us here in Fairmont, North Carolina; whether it were visits in our home, larger family gatherings, happy times, sad times, or worshipping together.
Lisa was an encourager. She was always willing to lend a helping hand; not thinking of herself. She just wanted to be a blessing and to be loved.
It is our prayer that you will have peace with God through his son Jesus; by the power of his Holy Spirit. May the Peace and Joy of Jesus Christ keep you and prepare you for the days ahead.
Eric and Janice Thompson
The family of Lisa D. Noble uploaded a photo
Tuesday, September 7, 2021

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